Proposing a Manifestation with Iterative Local Circle Inclusion and Highest-Level Engagement

1. Proposal Initiation:

  • Local Fractal Circle:
    • Emma proposes the idea of organizing a public manifestation for the organization to raise awareness and advocate for the organization’s core values.
    • Members express enthusiasm for the proposal during the local circle meeting.

2. Local Circle Discussion:

  • Ideas and Enthusiastic Support:
    • Discussions in the local circle involve ideas such as organizing peaceful marches, distributing informational materials, and inviting guest speakers.
    • The enthusiasm is high, and most members express support for the manifestation idea.

3. Summary and Trustee Selection:

  • Local Trustee Meeting:
    • A summary of the manifestation ideas is created, and a local representative, Emma, is chosen to present these ideas in the intermediate circle.

4. Intermediate Circle Discussion:

  • Trustee Presentation:
    • Emma joins the intermediate circle and presents the manifestation proposal, emphasizing the enthusiasm and strong support from the local circle.
    • Representatives from other local circles contribute additional ideas, such as utilizing social media, collaborating with local influencers, and incorporating artistic elements.

5. Voting and Consensus (Intermediate circle):

  • Voting on the proposal does not reach majority:
    • As the intermediate circle fails to reach a majority consensus, representatives recognize the need for further input.
    • Representatives call for input from their respective local circles to understand concerns, gather additional ideas, and address the lack of majority support.

6. Collaborative Refinement (Local Circles):

  • Iterative Discussions:
    • Representatives engage in iterative discussions with their local circles, incorporating feedback and refining the manifestation proposal.
    • This iterative process aims to address concerns and garner broader local circle support.

7. Voting and Consensus (Local Circles):

  • Local Circle Decision-Making:
    • Local circles hold internal discussions and voting to gauge their support for the refined manifestation proposal.
    • The goal is to ensure that the local circles reach a majority consensus before reconsidering the proposal at the intermediate level.

8. Iterative Discussions (Intermediate Circle):

  • Incorporating Local Circle Input:
    • Representatives reconvene in the intermediate circle, sharing the input and decisions from their local circles.
    • Discussions continue, iterating on the proposal with the aim of reaching a majority consensus at the intermediate level.

9. Voting and Consensus (Intermediate Circle – Final Round):

  • Final Decision-Making:
    • Representatives reconvene in the intermediate circle for a final round of voting.
    • The refined manifestation proposal, now incorporating iterative local circle input, is presented for consensus-building.

10. Presentation and Discussions (Highest-Level Circle):

  • Presenting the idea to the highest circle:
    • Representatives at the highest level engage in iterative discussions, considering the refined manifestation proposal and providing input.
    • The goal is to align the proposal with the overall mission and values of the entire organization.
    • Possible further local iterative discussion continues until majority consensus is achieved.

11. Voting and Consensus (Highest-Level Circle):

  • Final Decision-Making (Highest Level):
    • The refined manifestation proposal is presented for a final round of voting at the highest level.
    • The highest-level representatives reach a consensus, ensuring alignment with the organization’s collective vision.

12. Project Deployment:

  • Task Delegation:
    • Tasks related to organizing the manifestation are delegated down the fractal layers.
    • Each local circle takes responsibility for specific aspects, such as logistics, promotion, and outreach.

13. Successful Manifestation:

  • Collaborative Execution:
    • The manifestation is successfully organized, featuring elements from the initial proposal and incorporating the collaborative refinements.
    • Members from all local circles actively participate, ensuring a diverse and impactful event.

This method ensures that the whole organization is actively engaged in the decision-making process. By calling for input, engaging in iterative discussions, and reaching a consensus at the highest level, the dynamic fractal organization maximizes inclusivity and unity in decision-making. The final manifestation reflects the collective vision of the entire organization, fostering a sense of shared purpose and engagement.