The fractal network has the goal of creating positive change in the world. It is a method to find a common vision and to unite the world. This is a way for people to really get heard, and for us as a group, to voice our opinion in unison.
Read the Book

A Guide to Transformative Activism, Inclusivity, and Collective Intelligence
What are Fractal Circles?
Connect with us and join our team. At this point, we need many more people who want to support the project with networking, financing, and development.
Create a fractal network
Join a Circle
You will be part of a small independent team with 6 people that share our values

Grow Organicly
With more people you create new connected circles that spread out
Create a Fractal
Representatives from 6 circles joins together in a center circle

Act in Unity
The Fractal can connect the World in a Common Vision